Sun, Feb 09, 2025

Registered Under Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Act 1956 Section 25, Govt. of India
Entrepreneurship - R&D - Skill Development
(IT Literacy, Cyber Security & Process Outsourcing)

Instant /Skilled Job Courses

Instant /Skilled Job Courses

1 Advance Diploma In Graphic Designing ADGD 1 Year
2 Advance Diploma CAD for 2D+3D Visualization & Animation ADCAD 1 Year
3 Certificate in Quantity Takeoff CQT 3 Months
4 Certificate in ANSYS CIA 3 Months
5 Certificate in STAAD PRO CSP 3 Months
6 Certificate programing in C,C++ & JAVA C,C++ & JAVA 120 Hours
7 Certificate Course in Compufunda for Kids CFUNDA KIDS 4 Months
8 Certificate Course in Java Programming CCJP 3 Months
9 Certificate Course In Office Productivity & Desktop Publishing COA&DTP 3 Months
10 Certificate Course in Programming Foundation (C & C++) CPF (C&C++) 2 Months
11 Certificate Course on Computer Aided Design CCAD 2 Months
12 Certificate In (CAE) Staad Pro (CAE) Staad Pro 3 Months
13 Certificate In Advance CAD for 2D 3D Visualization & Animation CACAD 2D & 3D 6 Months
14 Certificate in Advance Excel with MIS CAEM 3 Months
15 Certificate In Ajax (CA) 3 Months
16 Certificate in Architecture CIA 180 Hours
17 Certificate In ASP.NET CASP.NET 4 Months
18 Certificate In Auto Cad & Drawing Concept CCAD & Drawing Concept 3 Months
19 Certificate in Auto Cad (Civil) CACAD (Civil) 1 Month
20 Certificate in Auto Cad (Electrical) CACAD (Electrical) 1 Month
21 Certificate in Auto Cad (Mechanical) CACAD (Mechanical) 1 Month
22 Certificate in Auto Cad (Product) CACAD (Product) 1 Month
23 Certificate in Auto Cad (Revit Civil) CACAD (Revit Civil) 1 Month
24 Certificate In AutoCAD CACAD 2 Months
25 Certificate in Autocad (3Ds Max Photoshop) CACAD (3Ds Max) 3 Month
26 Certificate in Autocad (Electrical Design) CACAD (Electrical Design) 1 Month
27 Certificate In Basic Graphic Designing CBGD 3 Months
28 Certificate In C Language (CCL) 3 Months
29 Certificate In C# Net Programming (CCP) CCNP 3 Months
30 Certificate in C++ C++ 3 Months
31 Certificate in Computer Basic CCB 2 Months
32 Certificate In Coral Draw CCD 3 Months
33 Certificate In Core Android (CICA) 3 Months
34 Certificate In Core Java Programming (Core& Advance) CCJP 3 Months
35 Certificate in Core Java Programming (CCJP) CCJP 3 Months
36 Certificate In Cpanel CCP 3 Months
37 Certificate in Creo CIC 1 Months
38 Certificate In Data Base Mangement System (CDBMS) 3 Months
39 Certificate In Data Communication & Networking CDC&N 3 Months
40 Certificate in Data Entry Operator CDEO 4 Months
41 Certificate in Data Structures CDS 3 Months
42 Certificate In Digital Marketing CIDM 6 Months
43 Certificate in Dot Net Framework & C++ CDNF& C++ 6 Months
44 Certificate in E-Commerce/Mobile Commerce CEM 4 Months
45 Certificate in English & Hindi Typing CEHT 3 Months
46 Certificate In Flash CF 3 Months
47 Certificate in internet CII 3 Months
48 Certificate In iPhone CIP 3 Months
49 Certificate In J2EE (CJ2EE) 3 Months
50 Certificate In JAVA Advance CCJA 3 Months
51 Certificate In Joomla (CJ) 3 Months
52 Certificate In Magento (CM) 3 Months
53 Certificate In MATLAB Programming CMP 3 Months
54 Certificate in Mobile Repairing & Maintenance CMRM 6 Months
55 Certificate In Oscommerce COSC) 3 Months
56 Certificate In Photoshop CIP 3 Months
57 Certificate in PHP CIP 2 Months
58 Certificate in Python CIP 3 Months
59 Certificate In R Programming CRP 3 Months
60 Certificate In Revit CIR 3 Months
61 Certificate in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) CSEO 3 Months
62 Certificate In Software Testing (CST) 6 Months
63 Certificate In Solid Works CSW 2 Months
64 Certificate in Spoken English CSE 3 Months
65 Certificate In Steno Writing CSW 3 Months
66 Certificate in Structure Design & Analysis (Staad Pro) Certificate in Staad Pro 1 Month
67 Certificate in Struds Struds 3 Months
68 Certificate In Tailoring Certificate In Tailoring 3 Months
69 Certificate in Tailoring & Embroidary CTE 2 Months
70 Certificate In Typing CITP 3 Months
71 Certificate in Typing 5000 Key Depression Typing 5000 1 Month
72 Certificate In VB.Net 4 Months
73 Certificate in VB-Oracle Or VB-SQL VB-Oracle Or VB-SQL 6 Months
74 Certificate in Visual Basic CVB 2 Months
75 Certificate in web application CWA 3 Months
76 Certificate In Zend (CZ) 3 Months
77 Certificate on Computer Aided Design CCAD 3 Months
78 Certificate Programing in C++ Programing in C++ 120 Hours
79 Certificate Programming In C CPIC 3 Months
80 Diploma in Animation DIA 1 Year
81 Diploma In Building Design DIBD 3 Months
82 Diploma In Computer Aided Design DAD 6 Months
83 Diploma In Construction Management DCM 1 Year
84 Diploma in Data Entry Operator DDEO 1 Year
85 Diploma in Digital Art DIDA 6 Months
86 Diploma in Digital Marketing DDM 1 Year
87 Diploma In Dot net Programming D.NETP 6 Months
88 Diploma In E-Commerce DIEC 6 Months
89 Diploma in Film making DIFM 1 YEAR
90 Diploma In Graphic Designing DGD 6 Months
91 Diploma in Internet Application & E-Commerce DIAE 1 Year
92 Diploma In Java Programming DJP 6 Months
93 Diploma in Multimedia DIM 1 Year
94 Diploma In Plumber DIP 1 Year
95 Diploma in product desing DIPD 2 Months
96 Diploma In Pump Operator DPO 1 Year
97 Diploma in RDBMS (VB/SQL/Oracle/D2K) DRDBMS 10 Months
98 Diploma in Shorthand & Typing DST 1 YEAR
99 Diploma In Structural Design DISD 2 Months
100 Professional Diploma In Animation & Film Making PDAFM 1 Year